

[時事英文] 英國立法禁止活煮螃蟹與龍蝦

Can crabs and lobsters feel pain and joy? British government says ‘yes’
On Friday, London time, the British government accepted research provided by the London School of Economics (LSE) that said there was strong scientific evidence of sentience in decapod crustaceans and cephalopod molluscs and recommended they be protected in legislation.
•strong scientific evidence 強而有力的科學證據
•sentience 知覺、感覺
•sentient beings (有情)眾生、存在體
•crustaceans 甲殼類
•molluscs 軟體動物
•be protected by 被~保護
•legislation 立法
The government said it would enshrine the recognition that they are sentient in a new, controversial animal welfare bill it is proposing Animal Welfare Minister Zac Goldsmith said the UK would have “some of the strongest protections in the world for pets, livestock and wild animals”. “The science is now clear that crustaceans and molluscs can feel pain and therefore it is only right they are covered by this vital piece of legislation.”
•enshrine 承認、珍藏;銘記
•recognition 承認、認可
•an animal welfare bill 動物福利法案
•livestock (UC) 牲畜
•feel pain 感受到疼痛
•a vital piece of legislation 一項重要的立法
Juliette Booker from Crustacean Compassion said the decision was “an absolutely huge, first step”. “This is groundbreaking, no other government has commissioned anything like this to look at the sentience of these animals,” she told The Sydney Morning Herald and The Age.
•groundbreaking 開創性的
•commission (v.) 安排、委託;任命
非營利組織Crustacean Compassion(爭取人道對待螃蟹、龍蝦和其他甲殼類動物的機構) 的Juliette Booker認為這個決定是「相當重要的開始」。她告訴悉尼先驅晨報和時代報,「這個法案相當具有開創性,從來沒有其他政府請人觀察到這些動物的知覺。」
“The public being aware that these animals are sentient allows consumers to start making decisions,” she said. “Things like boiling animals alive that were in the past considered acceptable, this report will really help people to know that that’s not the case.”
•be aware that… 注意到、意識到~
•allow consumers to 讓消費者可以~
•make decisions 做決定
•boil animals alive 活煮動物
•consider…acceptable 認為~是可以接受的
•not the case 並非如此


文章出處: https://bit.ly/3kYqt17
圖片出處: AP Photo/Robert F. Bukaty


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