雅思 ( IELTS )


IELTS 雅思國際英語測驗系統(The International English Language Testing System),是由劍橋大學英語考試院設計用來評估欲前往英語系國家求學、移民或工作者在聽、說、讀、寫四項全方位英語的溝通能力,與托福同樣為全球廣 泛接受的英語測驗。

目前全球有超過 135 個國家逾 8000 所大學院校、政府及專業機構,以 IELTS 雅思考試做為評估申請者英文能力之標準,例如:加拿大移民局(CIC)、澳州移民局(DIAC)、澳洲醫護協會(ANMC)、國際貨幣基金會(IMF)、 殼牌公司(Shell International)等。

每年全球有超過 200 萬人次參加IELTS雅思考試,並藉此獲得前往英語系國家的機會。無論你想去英語系國家(如:美國、英國、加拿大、澳 洲、紐西蘭、南非、新加坡等)或非英語系國家(如:香港、大陸、荷蘭、瑞典、芬蘭、西班牙等)留學、移民、就業,甚至單純想測試自己的英文程度, 『IELTS 雅思國際英語測驗』絕對是你的第一首選。英國文化協會為 IELTS 雅思官方考試中心,每月在全台北、中、南各地定期舉辦 IELTS 雅思測驗。

The International English Language Testing System is an international standardised test of English language proficiency for non-native English language speakers. It is jointly managed by Cambridge English Language Assessment, the British Council and IDP Education. 

There are two versions of the IELTS: the Academic Version and the General Training Version: The Academic Version is intended for those who want to enroll in universities and other institutions of higher education and for professionals such as medical doctors and nurses who want to study or practise in an English-speaking country. The General Training Version is intended for those planning to undertake non-academic training or to gain work experience, or for immigration purposes.

IELTS Format

IELTS 雅思考試分為兩個組別:學術組(Academic)及一般訓練組(General Training)。其針對不同需求的考生提供適合的測試內容,也提供各機構選擇之彈性。兩個組別最大的不同,是在閱讀及寫作部份會因組別不同而安排不同題目。



IELTS 雅思折扣碼:https://bit.ly/3qW2tC2


2 則留言

  1. Hi Carol,

    I currently do not offer any paid IELTS classes but I have free resources here:
    雅思公開課影片連結: https://goo.gl/8BTZRk
    完整雅思資源: https://wp.me/p44l9b-1FL

    You can also subscribe to my YouTube channel as I will have a series of free IELTS learning videos:

    Last, make sure you sign up for my upcoming vocab class: ericvocab.com
    The first class is free and the info given in the class will surely help you succeed on the IELTS.

    Thank you for your support!
