托福 (TOEFL® Test)


托福Test of English as a Foreign LanguageTOEFL)是由美國教育測驗服務社舉辦的英語能力考試,全稱檢定非英語為母語者的英語能力考試,中文音譯「托福」。大多數的美國大學或研究所要求外國學生在申請時提出過一定標準的托福考試成績。從 1964 年創立以來,已有兩千多萬人次參加了托福考試。過去的托福是用紙筆測驗,後來改為電腦測驗,最近已改為網考,學生需付費參加此考試,在各國皆有ETS 的分部負責在主要城市舉辦定期考試。除此之外,一些機構如政府、執照、商業組織、或是獎學金項目可能要求這項考試的成績。托福成績的有效期為兩年,在此之後將不再給予通知。

The Test of English as a Foreign Language or TOEFL is a standardized test of English language proficiency for non-native English language speakers wishing to enroll in U.S. universities

TOEFL iBT Format

Section Time Limit Questions Tasks
Reading 54 ~ 72 minutes 30 ~ 40 questions Read 3 or 4 passages from academic texts and answer questions.
Listening 41 ~ 57 minutes 28 ~ 39 questions Listen to lectures, classroom discussions and conversations, then answer questions.
Break 10 minutes - -
Speaking 17 minutes 4 tasks Express an opinion on a familiar topic; speak based on reading and listening tasks.
Writing 50 minutes 2 tasks Write essay responses based on reading and listening tasks; support an opinion in writing.

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