如何使用「there is/are」在學術寫作中

gettyimages-128551699圖片出處: https://bit.ly/3vLMLIL

“There is/are” can be used in academic writing to introduce a topic or to state that something exists. For example:

「there is/are」可以在學術寫作中用來引入一個主題或宣稱某件事物存在。例如:
There are several theories attempting to explain the origins of the universe.


In this instance, “there are” is used to introduce the topic of the theories explaining the universe’s origins.

在這句,「there are」用來引入解釋宇宙起源的理論的主題。



There is growing evidence that climate change ic causing more frequent and severe natural disasters.


“There is” is used to state that there exists growing evidence that climate change is the cause of more frequent and severe natural disasters.

「there is」在此句用來宣稱有越來越多的證據表明氣候變化導致更頻繁和嚴重的自然災害。


Using “there is/are” can be a useful way to introduce a topic or to state that something exists without the use of personal pronouns (e.g. “I”, “we”), which can help make one’s writing more objective and formal.

使用「there is/are」可以是一種引入主題或宣稱某件事物存在的寫法,並且避免過度使用個人代名詞(例如「I」、「we」)。這可使學術寫作更加客觀和正式。

Nevertheless, generally speaking, students ought to vary their sentence structure in their academic writing, rather than rely too heavily on any one particular sentence construction. Using “there is/are” too frequently can make the writing monotonous and can make it difficult for the reader to see what the writer wants to emphasize.

然而 ,學生可以在學術寫作中多變換句式以精準表達自己的想法,而不是過度依賴任何一種特定的結構。過度使用「there is / are」會使寫作乏味,並且可能導致讀者抓不住作者想要強調的內容。


Additionally, overusing “there is/are” can make the writing verbose. It is often more effective for writers to use specific and direct language whenever possible. For example, instead of saying “There are several theories attempting to explain the origins of the universe,” you could say “Several theories explain the origins of the universe.”

此外,過度使用「there is/are」可能使寫作不夠精簡且更冗長。能夠直接使用更具體的詞彙時,可能會更有效表達自己的想法。例如,一些學生可能會寫「There are several theories attempting to explain the origins of the universe.」,但卻可以更精簡地寫「Several theories explain the origins of the universe.」。


In short, it is essential for students to use a variety of sentence structures in academic writing to clearly and effectively convey their ideas .


圖片出處: https://bit.ly/3vLMLIL


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